
Yellow Chrysanthemum Ju Hua price 200yuan rmb per 500g

Origin : China
Grade : Good
Weight : 454 grams ( 1 LB )
Stockpiling :Sealed packaging OR Refrigerator freezer room. Dry and no direct sunshine.

Brewing Recommendation: This tea is best brewed gungfu style in a small Yixing teapot but any teapot or large stainless steel tea ball will produce delicious results. Use 2 tsp of tea to brew one 8 oz. cup. Pour boiling water directly over leaves. Brew for 20 seconds to 1 minute. This tea can be used for many infusions.
Taste:Very refreshing and has a natural sweet fragrance and taste. Try brewing it with some rock sugar for additional sweetness.
Appearance:Dried white/yellow colored chrysanthemum flowers.
Chrysanthemum tea is one of China’s most popular Herbal teas. This tea is well-known for its cooling properties that help to decrease body heat and is recommended for those with fever, sore throat, and other heat-related illnesses. Our Chrysanthemum tea is a special grade known as the Huang Shan (Yellow Mountain) Chrysanthemum.
